RAD Tofino #10 is only 6 weeks away.
Sorry for the mistaken cancellation.... It’s still on with 10 spots remaining!
3 spots in the bunk room at $700 each
7 spots available in the twin / queen rooms
at $900 each or $1600 for couples or 2 friends.... Adding a 3rd person to a room is $800.
This action packed weekend is the perfect way to celebrate the summer!!
8 Yoga classes ( Rocket, Acro with Erin Jacob/ Jim Heppner, Yin with Musician David Yates )
8 Incredible Vegetarian meals by Home Grown Living Foods
2 Surfing days at Long Beach with Relic Surf Shop
3 Nights accommodation at Tofino Botanical Gardens and Ecolodge
Snacks at the beach and Prizes Sunday night!
Grab one of the remaining spots or get a group together to fill the rooms!
Much Love